Our Services

Serving birth to 21 years. Our interventions are guided by child interests using a strength based learning approach aiming to empower children and families.

Pre/Post Frenectomy
We offer individualized assessment of oral dysfunction/restrictions and provide treatment prior to frenectomy as well as follow up treatment to ensure optimal oral function.

Maternal Mental Health
Delivering education, prevention, and care to assist mothers experiencing perinatal mood and anxiety disorders.

Infant Feeding
Whether breast or bottle feeding, or a combination of both, we address infant feeding challenges through personalized care related to oral dysfunction, bottle refusal, body tension and asymmetries.

Whole Body Therapy
Using a variety of neuromuscular re-education, neurodevelopment treatment, manual therapy, and infant massage techniques to address muscle tension, head turn preferences, torticollis/plagiocephaly, and compensations throughout the body.